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  CHINMAYA VIDYALAYA- a feather on the cap of Holistic Education, a land mark in the world map of education – provides a system of education which promotes an all-round development of the students to mould them for the future, to face the challenges of academic, environmental, political, and social fields. The co-curricular activities in the school enable the students to empower them to nurture the values of tolerance, brotherhood and unity. Cultural programmes- an endeavour with the commitment to holistic growth of the students is a uniqueone of its kind in the city. The various departments, whether it is art and craft, music, or education, have exhibited their excellence in their activities throughout the years. This is one of the prominent features of the chinmaites, who hold different distinguished posts in various organizations in different parts of the world. This was expressed by them in the Alumini meet, we had in the school.
  BIRTH OF THIS ESTEEMED VIDYALAYA – 10th AUGUST 1977 CHINMAYA VIDYALAYA, B.S.CITY, took its birth when the sacred lamp was lit by the First Lady of the City, SMT.SAMARAPUNGAVAN. It was in the drawing room of the A-type quarter; in 1V/A.Founder members Shri.T.R.KRISHNASWAMY and SHRI M.KRISHNA MURTHY were present to grace the occasion. For Nursery and Preparatory classes, the admission had started on the same day. Two nursery sections and one preparatory section started classes on 19th of AUGUST 1977.Ther were 15 students in each section.
  SHRI. K.N.P. NAIR from the Chinmaya Mission had come over to Bokaro and the interview was taken and SEVEN TEACHERS were selected –Mrs. Manju Gupta, Mrs. Poornima Kapur, Mrs.Neelam Kumar Mrs. Kalpagam Lakshman were among them. Three office bearers were Mrs. Kamala Krishnamurthy, Miss Hemlatha.A. and Mrs. Kusum.M.Nair, Miss Hemlatha.A was appointed as the HEADMISTRESS,Mrs Kamala Krishnamurthy was the REGISTRAR and Mrs. Kusum.M.Nair a Teacher in the month of October 1977.Later on in 1978 another B type quarter nearby was also taken for STD 1 and 2 classes.
  Land was allotted for the construction of the school building in sector V and the BHOOMI PUJA and the FOUNDATION STONE was laid by our PUJYA GURUDEV SWAMI CHINMAYANANDJI in the month of January 1978.The foundation Stone for the nearby AYYAPPA TEMPLE also was Done By Our pujya GURUDEV. The construction of the school building was completed with the office wing and the ground floor, nursery side to accommodate Nursery to 2 children. The children were shifted to the new school building in the month of July 1978.Construction of the Stage wing was done in the month of November 1985.
  In the year 1983 Shri Ramaswamy was appointed as the Principal of the school and in the Year 1984 the school was affiliated to the Central Board of Secondary Education and the First batch of std X appeared the board examination in the year 1985.In the year 1987 the first batch of Senior Secondary students (ONLY SCIENCE STREAM) appeared for the exam. By this time the strength of the school had reached to 2100 and No. of teachers to 60.
  The school had grown and the new principal Mrs. Hemlata Biswas had taken charge in the year 1984.The results of the X and X11 students were the BEST in the city with 100% Distinction. The ARTS STREAM started in the Year 1990.The result continued to be the Best in the city. Shri T.R.KRISHNASWAMY had become the DIRECTOR of Chinmaya Vidyalaya, and had taken up the study classes for the teachers in the school.
  Under the guidance of the different Brahmacharis and Brahmacharinies the school could grow to the present stage of spiritual education too. Among them Br.Nikhil Chaithanya, Aditya Chaithanya, Sudhanshu Chaithanya, Jaganmithra Chaithanya, Brahmacharini Sucheta Chaithanya and the other devotees of Gurudev are taking great efforts, bearing the torch of the motto of the mission- Maximum Happiness to Maximum People for the Maximum Time – to fulfill it.
  It is the farsighted vision of Pujya Gurudev H.H.Swami Chinmayananda that has created an awareness among the people of the world about the rich cultural heritage and glorious traditions of this great nation. Over five decades Pujya Gurudev with his tireless, continuous, selfless efforts and a rare energy brought the mission into a very big movement keeping the needs of the people.
  We feel that the blessings of our PUJYA GURUDEV is always with us in all our endeavours and will continue to have it in future too. Thus the Chinmaya Family is elevated from the EGOCENTRIC WORLD of vasanas to a spiritual world of BLISS through the spiritual guidance of the ardent disciples of our Gurudev.The society is also benefited by the discourses at various places in the city by the Swamies and Swaminies of CHINMAYA MISSION.