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OUR VISION:The inner transformation of individuals through knowledge of Vedanta, Spiritual Practices and Service to society, resulting in a happy world around them.
OUR MISSION:To provide to individuals from any background, the wisdom of Vedanta and the practical needs for spiritual growth and happiness, enabling them to become positive contributors to society.

Chinmaya Mission was established in India in 1953 by devotees of the world-renowned Vedanta teacher, His Holiness Swami Chinmayananda. Guided by his vision, devotees all around the world formed the nucleus of a spiritual renaissance movement that now encompasses a wide range of spiritual, educational, and charitable activities, ennobling the lives of thousands in India and across its borders. Presently, headed by His Holiness Swami Swaroopananda, the Mission is administered by Central Chinmaya Mission Trust (CCMT) in Mumbai, India. Under his guidance, the Mission has continued mushrooming across the globe and stands today with over 300 centres worldwide.

What does Chinmaya Mission teach?
Chinmaya Mission follows the Vedic teacher-student tradition (guru-shishyaparampara) and makes available the ageless wisdom of Advaita Vedanta, the knowledge of universal oneness, providing the tools to realize the wisdom in one’s life.
Vedanta, the essential core of Hinduism, is the universal science of life, relevant to all people of all backgrounds and faiths. Vedanta inspires seekers to understand their own faith better. Thus, although Chinmaya Mission is a Hindu organisation, it does not seek to convert other religious practitioners.
As a spiritual movement that aims for inner growth at individual and collective levels, the mission offers a wide array of Vedanta study forums for all ages, promotes Indian classical art forms and operates numerous social service projects. Till date, millions worldwide have been benefitted directly or indirectly from Chinmaya Mission’s numerous centres, ashrams, classes, events, services and projects.
Central Chinmaya Mission Trust (CCMT) is the apex administrative body of Chinmaya Mission World wide. It is headquartered at Sandeepany Sadhanalaya, Powai, Mumbai. As an apex Trust of Chinmaya Mission, it provides administrative, managerial and financial frameworks and requisite guidelines for functioning of all the Centres, Trusts, institutes and establishments working under the patronages of Chinmaya Mission.
The functions and projects of around 300 centres all around the world are streamlined according to the guidelines of the Head of the Mission routed through the CEO of CCMT. The administrative decisions, important official communications, property matters, transfers and appointments of the various acharyas, etc. are also taken care of by CCMT.
CCMT through its various departments serves the requirements of all its Members worldwide thereby acting as a central axle connecting together and aligning all of them to overall Vision of Chinmaya Mission.
Chinmaya Vidyalaya, Bokaro is one of the 108 educational institutions in India & abroad, run under the aegis of Chinmaya Mission.
CHINMAYA VIDYALAYA- a feather on the cap of Holistic Education, a land mark in the world map of education – provides a system of education which promotes an all-round development of the students to mould them for the future, to face the challenges of academic, environmental, political, and social fields. The co-curricular activities in the school enable the students to empower them to nurture the values of tolerance, brotherhood and unity. Cultural programmes- an endeavour with the commitment to holistic growth of the students is a unique one of its kind in the city. The various departments, whether it is art and craft, music, or education, have exhibited their excellence in their activities throughout the years. This is one of the prominent features of the Chinmaites, who hold different distinguished posts in various organizations in different parts of the world. Since its inception in 1977, more than 15,000 students have passed out from here for making their careers around the globe and occupying eminent positions.
The School motto is KEEP SMILING . This is a lesson which we want all members of the Vidyalaya Parivar to learn and live throughout their life. This little lesson in its breavity holds the essence of success in life.